We're here to make your quest for the perfect look as easy as possible. Reserve your visit to Duo Tones from anywhere!
Having trouble finding the correct service or a convenient day and time? Call us at 218-628-0291 and one of our guest service experts will be happy to assist. If you need to cancel or reschedule an online reservation, please call us for assistance.
A valid credit card is required for booking. We ask for a 48-hour notice for any cancellation or reschedule of appointments, due to the high demand of time for our service providers and guests. If a cancellation is made within 48 hours or less, a 50% fee of services booked will be charged. If you fail to show for your scheduled and confirmed appointment, a fee of 100% will be applied to your account. This must be paid before rescheduling or booking any future appointments.
By booking with us, you are agreeing to our cancellation fees.